
Sunday 4 September 2016

Education of gender equality.

Gender Equality.
Gender role in a school:school are the templates of learning. chilfren gather here to develop knowledge and various skills. They learn many social behaviours, discipline, team, co-operation, rules and regulation in the school. Through many rule and regulation are same for boys and girls but some rules are different also. for example, school uniform. in addition, textbooks often represent the gender biased ideology present in the society. The illsulation given in the book often reinforce gender biased notions. The teachers give more attention and encouragement to boys than girls. The choice of subjects taught in school also reinforce traditional rules. Girls are suggested to take Home science whereas science and technology are considered to be predominantly bous subjects.  sufficient encoragement is not givien to girls in the field of sport and physical education. 
In the villages especially, girls spend a large part of their day in doing household chores. They are not considered to be the breadwinners of the family. When a family faces any hardship, the education of the girls is the first thing to get affeceted. 
Gender role in public places:
For centuries, a woman is viewed as an object This belief has influenced the attitude of people towards women.  A serious feature of public places is that an incrrasing number of incidents of violence against women is taking place these days. 
A woman is subjected to acts of eve- teasing and molestation in public places and sexual harassment at work places. 
All these fact show the role of gender in creating unequal and hierarchical relations in a society. Althrough gender ineqalities are still preqvailing in our society yet the oppurtunities avilable to women have considerly broadended over the year. In present scenario, women are not only competing but also walking tall in all walks of life. 

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